Thursday, August 13, 2015

Golden-gilled Gerronema (Gerronema strombodes)

July 6th.  I was walking from Shelter A to the Old Fort; I was just south of the Fishing Area. I spotted mushrooms growing on a decaying log in a gully uphill from the trail.

I found these mushrooms. They were in good shape in spite of recent heavy rains and winds. The mushrooms occurred in…

clusters, as well as…

individually. Their caps were a dull, golden color with a sheen; 2 to 5 cm in diameter, and depressed in the center into a bowl shape. Some caps had a wavy edge.

The gills were cream to pale yellow that ran down the stem. Most had many short gills running from the margin towards the stem. The stems were white to pale gray and up to 3 cm long and 6 to 8 mm thick; they appeared dry. The flesh was thin and cream in color. 

After a little searching, I identified these as Gerronema strombodes. My main references were Michael Kuo’s (Mushroom Expert) description as well as observations at Mushroom Observer.

Apparently, Gerronema strombodes is rare and limited to the southeastern United States, from Ohio to Florida and west to Illinois where they may be found from late spring through fall. They grow on decaying wood of conifers or hardwoods, in clusters or individually. Depending on the age of the mushrooms, they may present in a wide range of sizes, with caps from 5 to 10 cm in diameter, and colors of caps from gray-brown to yellow with radiating brownish fibers.

- Mushroom Expert: Gerronema strombodes
- Mushroom Observer: Gerronema strombodes

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