Friday, July 24, 2009

Zen: Yellowjacket Hover Fly

This is the first time I’ve tried to take an ‘in motion’ shot. It only worked because the fly was hovering for some time and I was just lucky to get the focus right. The fly is a Yellowjacket Hover Fly (Milesia virginiensis). It was hovering, waiting to visit a Sicklepod Coffeeweed (Senna obtusifolia). It hovered for a short time and then flew - it was surprising how loud it was - at the flower, scattering other flies already on the flower. It apparently decided it didn’t really want the flower at all and settled on a nearby leaf. Territorial behavior?

Identification resources:
- BugGuide: Yellowjacket Hover Fly (Milesia virginiensis)
Click the image to view a larger image

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