Thursday, November 10, 2016

Tylopilus rubrobrunneus (Reddish Brown Bitter Bolete)

August. I found only one specimen of…

Tylopilus rubrobrunneus (Reddish Brown Bitter Bolete). It was growing near hardwoods just to the side of the mountain bike/hiking trail that runs parallel, a little higher up the hill, than my routine trail close to the shore of the reservoir. It was quite tall compared with the diameter of its cap. A ‘regal’ bolete.

Its cap was approximately 2.5 inches in diameter and a distinct purple-brown. The irregularities in the cap are thought to be the result of a parasitizing fungus.

The pore surface was pure white and translucent. The pores were angular and clearly visible with the naked eye, approximately 2-3 pores/mm. The purple color at the margin of the cap, is clearly visible in the first of these two photographs.

The stem was whitish-brown, tapering from the cap towards the base. The effects of the parasitizing fungus are clearly visible in this photograph. The stem looked smooth, but showed some…

reticulation that was visible at the apex of the stem near the cap. 

Tylopilus rubrobrunneus is found only in North America, east of the Rocky Mountains.

Related post: 

Mushroom Expert: Tylopilus rubrobrunneus 
Discover Life: Tylopilus rubrobrunneus

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