I was standing at the trail head when I remembered that, since this trail goes through brush, I’d like to have a snake hook along just to beat the bushes and logs before I stepped over them. W had just about reached the trail head with the snake hook so I turned to start down the trail. I have to confess I wasn’t paying particular attention; it was the head of the trail after all. Nothing happens at the trail head.
After a step or so, I gasped – I think my heart missed a beat or two - and came to a sudden stop. It took a few seconds for my brain to process what I was looking at, only a few steps in front of me.

(It strikes me that it reacted much like I would have if someone sneaked up behind me and touched me unexpectedly. I’d wheel around to see if I was being threatened in some way too.)

I must confess that the encounter left me a little jittery for the rest of the hike.
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Identification resource:
- Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Herpetology Program: Black Rat Snake (Pantherophis obsoleta; formerly Elaphe obsoleta)
Related posts:
- And There It Was… Black Rat Snake (Pantherophis obsoleta)
- Black Rat Snake: Another Close Encounter
Awesome! We only have little garter snakes in our yard. I think I'm glad about that.
And to think I was afraid of garter snakes when we lived in Seattle :-)
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