Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Beaked Cornsalad (Valerianella radiata)

Two species of ValerianellaV. radiata (Beaked Cornsalad) and V. locusta (Lewiston Cornsalad) – grow in Georgia. Both species are striking because of the symmetry of their flowers. V. radiata flowers occur in pairs; V. locusta flowers occur in small clusters. This is V. radiata; it has bloomed particularly profusely this year.

A patch of Beaked Cornsalad at the edge of the dam at Fort Yargo State Park. They don’t impress at a distance. Up close, it's a different matter...

An individual plant; just starting to bloom and showing the early leaves.

The leaves of the mature plant

Buds from directly above

A close-up of the buds

The plant in flower; this demonstrates the striking symmetry of the blooms

The flowers, close up

Even the seed heads are striking in their symmetry

Valerianella radiata
(Beaked Cornsalad) is native to the United States; it grows in the southeastern United States. Its range overlaps with the range of Valerianella locusta (Lewiston Cornsalad) which grows in the eastern United States and Ontario, Canada as well as in some western states and British Columbia.

Click on an image to view a larger image

Distribution Map:
United States Department of Agriculture Plants Database:
- Valerianella radiata (Beaked Cornsalad)

Valerianella locusta (Lewiston Cornsalad)

Identification resources:

Southeastern Flora:

- Beaked Cornsalad (Valerianella radiata)
Lewiston Cornsalad (Valerianella locusta)

Related posts:

- 2010: Year Of The Wildflower

1 comment:

Suzi Smith said...

even the rate at which the flowers open seems to be synchronised!