... it wandered off a while back and I can't find it
Friday, October 8, 2010
Fort Yargo State Park: Early Fall Color
The Blackgums (Nyssa sylvatica) have been hinting at changing color for a few weeks; just a tinge of color. But today the color change is definite. But this may be a strange year for color at the lake. After an extremely hot spring and summer and an unusual rain pattern, I don’t think the color changes will be as dramatic as they have been over the last two years. I noticed a few trees whole leaves normally turn yellow had lost most leaves. But time will tell…
Looking north towards the Fishing Area and my favorite Blackgum to the left of the bridge (segment 13).
A closer view of that Blackgum. It doesn’t look as good up close. It wasn’t as densely leaved as usual this year possibly due to the weather. It’s an old tree; it wasn’t a young tree when I first saw it 25 years ago. It may also be suffering more severely from the partial ringbarking it had been subjected and which was already healed when I first saw it.
A bit of an anomaly among the trees ‘closing down’ for the year. This Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum) is still blooming as were several others along this segment (13).
A smaller Blackgum is glistening red among the green pines (segment 13).
It will be interesting to follow the color changes as time goes on. Click on an image to view a larger image
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