... it wandered off a while back and I can't find it
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Fort Yargo State Park: A Cold, Sunny Day
We’re getting a little tired of the weather. Mid-winter weather with Alberta Clippers and sub-freezing temperatures before it’s officially Winter. Some sunny days between disproportionately long stretches of cloudy days. Enough already!
But on cold, sunny days, I can walk at Fort Yargo State Park. The trail from the boat launch to Picnic Area #1 and back faces south and is mostly sheltered from the worst of the wind. It can feel quite warm in spots.
On the latest walk, long sections of the trail had been cleared of pine needles. There were some painted arrows; the trails must have been prepared for an sporting event, bike or running.
A flock of gulls - probably Ring-billed Gulls (Larus delawarensis) – turn up on the lake when it turns cold. To me, they are the first real sign of Winter.
A new set of fish attractors on the shore between the docks and beach; some small and others quite large.
At Picnic Area #1. Looking back towards Picnic Area #2 and ‘The Island.’
The Hill Family Cemetery is on top of the hill behind Picnic Area #2. I followed the bike trail up the hill to the drive from the road and then climbed the hill along the drive.
The original graves are enclosed by a simple iron fence. These iron fences were common in the 1800s and are found throughout Georgia; we’ve seen many in the woods in the national forests.
The simple but elegant corner post of the fence.
There aren’t any wildflowers blooming now but the seed heads of goldenrod still decorate the landscape.
‘The Bridge.’ The water level has fallen again after the rainfall that partially refilled the lake a couple of weeks ago.
The Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) that I'd spooked earlier in the morning had returned to the same spot and was fishing again. This must be a good spot to catch small fish. Click on an image to view a larger image
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